DMALINK adds Nomura to bolster its Asia eFX book

DMALINK adds Nomura to bolster its Asia eFX book

Aug 12, 2021

August 12, 2021 - DMALINK, the Emerging Markets focused institutional FX ECN today announced that Nomura, having on-boarded DMALINK as a platform, is to provide customised Asian eFX pricing to its buy-side platform participants in New York and London, with Singapore being added in Q1 2022.

The addition of Nomura to the DMALINK ecosystem enables select users to access suitable pricing pools during Asian hours sustainably. The company continues to heavily develop and apply deep analytics in view of improving execution to its clients.

Michael Siwek, Founding Partner and Global Head of Sales at DMALINK, said, "Asian crosses form an ever-growing part in our clients' execution. Participants can transact any trade size through NetLink across CLS and non-CLS pairs. Users can access Nomura specific pricing across various specialised pricing pools, coupled with in-depth reporting to cater to a high level of competitiveness in today's FX landscape."

Ian Daniels.png Ian Daniels, Head of eFX Distribution, EMEA, Nomura

Ian Daniels, Head of eFX Distribution, EMEA, Nomura, commented, “Nomura is excited to be providing our liquidity to DMALINK. Our footprint in Asia aligns us well to DMALINK, which is primarily focused within the Emerging Markets. We look forward to contributing to DMALINK’s Asian eFX business.”

Manu ChoudharyT.png Manu Choudhary, CEO at DMALINK

Manu Choudhary, CEO at DMALINK, added, "We are pleased in confirming that Nomura has joined the platform. The addition is driven by buy-side participant demand, achieving our core objective of providing data-driven regional institutional eFX services to existing and future collaborators."

"The growth of the Asia book is in line with our 2021 expansion plans to offer centrally-cleared streaming NDF pricing to our clients.", concluded Ashwind Soonarane, CTO of DMALINK.

Yesterday, DMALINK announced that its London and New York platforms were now connected to Traiana Netlink's trade aggregation platforms for trade netting. The company stated that the additional cost saving provided by Netlink will allow DMALINK users to enjoy a broader spectrum of trade sizes and enable new counterparty types to join the DMALINK ecosystem.

To learn more about the Institutional FX services provided by DMALINK, please click the link below:




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