dxFeed Launched Crypto Ortho 500™ Index Based on Decorrelation Between Stocks and Crypto

dxFeed Launched Crypto Ortho 500™ Index Based on Decorrelation Between Stocks and Crypto

Dec 22, 2022
The index reflects a selected cryptocurrency portfolio's market price that minimizes the correlation with the broad stock market represented by the S&P 500 index.


December 22, 2022dxFeed, a data solutions and index management provider for the traditional and crypto finance industry, has launched the dxFeed Crypto Ortho 500 Index also referred as COSM™.

The portfolio weights are optimized using a custom numerical procedure. Care is taken to avoid bias (e.g., outlier removal is performed during the index construction) and aims to ensure the index's statistical properties remain relatively stable after the end of the parameter estimation period.

The resulting instrument can therefore be considered an investment alternative to the broad market and may be used in portfolio diversification scenarios.

"Although cryptocurrencies are strongly correlated as an asset class, the index achieves correlation twice as low as the Bitcoin against the S&P 5001 index during certain periods. In my opinion, it's an impressive result achieved by the dxFeed quant team," comments Oleg Solodukhin, CEO at dxFeed.


COSM is based on a more general dxFeed Benchmark Orthogonal-Collinear index methodology, which allows to construct similar indices, but for different benchmarks and correlation optimization types.

The firm started its indices pool in the fall of 2022 by introducing dxFeed Bixie, a US Dollar Index ("USDX") crypto-twin, and dxFeed Honest Gold Index ("HAU").





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