FXSpotStream February Volumes Reach All-Time High

FXSpotStream February Volumes Reach All-Time High

Mar 1, 2022

March 01, 2022 - Bank-owned FX and Precious Metals streaming price provider FXSpotStream has released volume figures for February 2022, with the network showing the highest monthly volume figures in the company's history.

FXSpotStream February 2022.png FXSpotStream Average Daily Volumes month-by-month: January, 2016 - February, 2022

In the official statement from the company in which they reported the numbers, the company stated, "Before we share our volumes, we pause to reflect on the tragedy we are all witnessing in Ukraine. Having seen the loss of life related to COVID over the last 2 years, it is painful to watch the developments in the world right now. We hope the parties will find a way to address their differences without the need to inflict more pain and suffering.

"Prior to the events of February 24, FXSpotStream was on track to register its second highest ADV. Given the recent volatility that started late last week, our ADV rose to the highest ever since FXSpotStream was formed over 10 years ago. We would, of course, prefer that our record ADV had come under different circumstances."

On February 24, FXSpotStream recorded the highest ever daily volume since the company started, at $113.665 billion. Monthly Average Daily Volume in February (20 business days) was $63.135 billion.

FXSpotStream’s ADV Month-on-Month, February 2022 vs January 2022 increased 19.15%, and Year-on-Year (February 2022 vs February 2021) increased 27.30%.

FXSpotStream’s overall Volume Year-on-Year, February 2022 vs February 2021 increased 27.30% to £1.263 trillion.

FXSpotStream's ADV Year-To-Date (January - February 2022 is $57.937 billion, an increase of 17.48% compared to the same period last year.

In February FXSpotStream was named 'Best Trading Solution for Foreign Exchange Markets' in the A-Team Insight Awards 2022 Europe.

To view the services provided by FXSpotStream, or to contact the company's sales team, please use the links below:




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