MOEX adds sector index futures for trading

MOEX adds sector index futures for trading

Feb 7, 2022

February 07, 2022 - The Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market will start trading in sector index futures on Feruary 08, 2022.

New futures contracts will broaden the range of trading strategies available to private and institutional investors, including opportunities to gain exposure to select sectors of the Russian economy and the addition of new hedging opportunities.

Futures contracts on the following sector indices will be available to trading members and their clients:

MOEX Oil & Gas Sector Index (MOEXOG), short code OGI; MOEX Metals & Mining Index (MOEXMM), short code MMI; MOEX Financials Index (MOEXFN), short code FNI; MOEX Consumer Index (MOEXCN), short code CNI. The tick is 1 point; the tick value is RUB 1. Futures series with settlement in June and September 2022 will be offered.

More details on new contracts are available on the Moscow Exchange website here.




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