PrimeXM Sets New Record For Monthly Trading Volume in September

PrimeXM Sets New Record For Monthly Trading Volume in September

Oct 8, 2021

October 08, 2021 - FX Trading aggregator and bridge provider PrimeXM has set a new record for monthly trading volume at $1.23 trillion in September 2021 across its 4 major Data Center locations, surpassing the previous peak achieved in March 2020. The new record represents a 31% Year-on-Year increase in trading activities compared to September 2020's $936.97 billion.


The Average Daily Volume (ADV) in September was $55.78 billion. The highest daily trading volume of the month was recorded on 28th September with $85.25 billion in volume – an all-time high daily trading volume for 2021. The total number of trades in September was 30.37 million which was a 12% Month on Month improvement compared to August's 27.15 million trades.

Monthly Overall Stats.png

More than 80% of the total monthly traded volume was recorded in PrimeXM's Data Center located in LD4 – $982.02 billion in notional value. Another $138.27 billion passed through NY4 and the data center in TY3 processed $106.76 billion. PrimeXM's newly established SG1 data center saw more than $28 million in volume in its second month since its inception.

DataCentre stats.png

XAUUSD remained the most actively traded instrument during September with $287.4 billion in notional value, approximately 23% of the overall monthly volume. US30 index climbed 3 places and replaced EURUSD as the 2nd most traded instrument with $249.2 billion - a more than 150% rise in volume from the previous month’s $98.8B. Top 15.png

To view PrimeXM's historical monthly ADV, and to compare against other venues, please click here.




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